
Zephyr North Ltd.

Zephyr North Ltd. is Canada’s oldest and most experienced wind resource assessment consultancy, with over 25 years experience in the industry. We are an independent company providing a full start-to-finish wind resource assessment service for the wind energy industry. Among our capabilities are:

Wind farm design
Zephyr North Ltd. uses ReSoft Windfarm and WaSP software for wind farm design and analysis. Our capabilities include the design of wind farms, factoring turbine placement for the:
  • Optimization of energy production
  • Minimization of array loss
  • Conformance with all applicable mandated turbine siting constraints
In addition, our capabilities also include the:

  • Generation of photomontages from site photographs
  • Generation of turbine animations
Design, installation and maintenance of wind monitoring systems
Zephyr North has extensive experience across Canada and internationally in making wind and other meteorological measurements. Some features of our wind measurement capabilities include:
  • Installation of meteorological tower measurement systems and instrumentation
  • Design of meteorological measurement systems optimized specifically for site characteristics and climatic conditions
  • Optimized site selection for meteorological towers based upon map investigations, field surveys and numerical modelling
  • SODAR measurement capabilities to augment meteorological tower measurements with wind speed profile measurements to 200m
We are able to maintain a consistently high degree of data quality and retrieval. Each installed system employs only:

  • Robust, high-quality sensors and data loggers with calibrations traced to MeasNet or NIST standards.
  • Towers optimized specifically for the application, from custom-designed 10m towers, tilt-up 60 and 80m tubular and lattice towers, up to 100m guyed lattice towers.
  • Site-optimized data acquisition systems for all locations or environments, using on-site, land-line or cellular telephone, radio or satellite networks

All data recovered is subjected to rigorous quality control procedures, ensuring that data quality is consistently high, and that typically greater than 99% data recovery rates are maintained. All data is screened by Zephyr North’s stringent quality control procedures and is subjected to on-going visual inspection to maintain only the highest levels of data retrieval quality.

Wind resource assessment and data analysis
Zephyr North has a proven track record providing accurate wind resource assessments of our clients sites based upon careful analyses of measured on-site data and historical weather data. Using our extensive experience and expertise we can provide:
  • High resolution numerical modelling of candidate sites based upon the sites’ terrain and topography conditions.
  • Improvement of on-site data accuracy using MCP-based long-term correlation analysis with nearby historical weather data
  • An extensive suite of custom-written software to augment our high resolution model accuracy and utility.
Careful measurement, insightful data analysis and relevant computer modelling combined with scientific and technical merit, extensive industry experience and attention to detail…this is what Zephyr North provides.